joi, 19 mai 2016

International Scientific Conference "Media and Economy - MES 2016"

Dear colleagues, 
Higher Education Institution “Banja Luka College” is dedicated to constant 
improvement and investment in the quality of education and scientific research. 
Therefore, we are honored to invite you to participate with your scientific 
work in the upcoming


The organizers of the conference are HEI “Banja Luka College“ and 
Faculty for Management in Sremski Karlovci, University “Union Nikola Tesla” Belgrade.
 Subject of the conference is “Ethics in Media and Business”.
    The main objective of the conference is to explore the role of the media in economy 
and to analyze the relationship of the media and public interest 
through different aspects: technological, regulatory, economic, ethical,
 global, environmental, social, cultural, etc. by exchanging experiences, 
good practices, inspiring visions and 
perspectives arising from scientific research and fruitful discussion.
    The conference will take place on 15th September 2016 
at Banja Luka College in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
Please find the detailed information about the conference in the attached invitation. 
Feel free to forward this invitation to your colleagues and anyone 
who you think may be interested.  
    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Conference,

Svetlana Dusanic Gacic, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Banja Luka College
Milos Obilic Street 30, Banja Luka
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: + 387 51 433 018

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